Q: 在哪裡可以購買精英儲值卡?
Where can I get an A1W charge card?
A: 每個A1W精英超級充電站都配備用於EV充電的精英儲值卡自動售賣機,支持刷卡、支付寶、微信和現金等付款方式。充電前請按需購買相應面額的精英儲值卡,再到站內可使用充電樁位充電。請務必在官方管道購買精英儲值卡,避免上當受騙。
A1W charge cards can be bought from vending machine at every A1 workman EV charging station,with various payment method accepted such as credit card, Alipay, Wechat and Cash. Please get the charge card before you park your vehicle and only buy it from official sources to avoid any losses.
Q: 精英儲值卡是否需要支付押金?
Is a deposit required to get an A1W charge card?
A: 精英儲值卡為定額儲值卡,無須繳納押金。儲值卡設有多種面額,分別為HKD$100-HKD$1000不等,面額見封面標識。精英儲值卡餘額可分多次使用,請妥善保管。
The A1W charge card is not reloadable and requires no deposit. We provide A1W charge card in various amount ranging from HKD$100 to HKD$1000, with the denomination indicated on the cover. An A1W charge card can be used multiple times ,please keep it in good condition.
Q: 如何查詢精英儲值卡中餘額?
How can I check the balance of my A1W charge card?
A: 充電完成後,機器會顯示當前充電費金額。目前暫時不能查詢卡片餘額,後續APP功能上線後,用戶可通過APP 查詢餘額。
The charging machine will indicate the charge of use when the charging is completed. Balance inquiry function is still under construction now, users will be able to check their balance via APP later when it is in operation.
Q: 精英儲值卡能用於繳納停車費嗎?
Can I pay for my parking with the A1W charge card?
A: 精英儲值卡僅用於繳交A1W精英超級充電站充電費,不能作其他用途。
No.The A1W charge card can only be used for making payment for the use of A1 workman charging service.
Q: 如我不打算繼續使用我的精英儲值卡是否能退款?
If I want to cancel my A1W charge card, can I get a refund?
A: 精英儲值卡一經售出,不得兌換現金、現金券,不設任何形式找續或退款。
Once the purchase of an A1W charge card is made, the card is non-cancelable, non-refundable and non-exchangeable.
Q: 我能否和家人朋友共享我的精英儲值卡?
Can I share the A1W charge card with my friends and family?
A: 可以,精英儲值卡不僅可以為持有人所有車輛充電,持有人的家人和朋友也可以使用該精英代金卡為其EV充電。
Yes, the A1W charge card not only entitles the holder to charge his or her own electric vehicles, but also entitles his or her family and friends to charge their electric vehicles with the A1W charge card.
Q: 如果我的精英儲值卡丟失了是否可以重新申請?
If I lose my A1W charge card, can I apply for a replacement?
A: 如精英儲值卡遺失、損毀或者因使用者原因導致無法正常使用,卡片作廢無效,恕不補發。
If this charge card is lost, altered or damaged, it will not be replaced and will be invalid.
Q: 精英儲值卡的使用期限為多久?
What is the validity period of an A1W charge card?
A: 精英儲值卡有效期為一年,持有人應在使用期限內用完卡內餘額。
The A1W charge card is valid for one year from start of use. Holder should use up the balance within validity period.
Q: 如結賬時精英儲值卡無法正常使用怎麼辦?
If I can not tap the A1W charge card to check out, what should I do?
A: 如非由於不當操作導致卡片損壞,我們建議聯繫後台客服Whatsapp/Tel:6628 4865或者致電黃生Tel:66619832 咨詢解決。
If you encounter any difficulty in use of the A1 workman EV charging service, please feel free to contact service center by Whatsapp/Tel:6628 4865 or Mr. Wong by Tel :66619832.
Q: 如何查詢儲值卡剩餘金額??
How to inquire the remaining balance of your A1W Charge Card?
A: 第一步: 點擊主介面右下角的“四角按鈕” 再按 “INQUIRE”
第二步: 拍卡 (將儲值卡 (貼近)屏幕下方感應處)
第三步: (頁面)右下方顯示你的剩餘金額
Step 1: Click "
" at the bottom right of home page and then press"inquire"
Step 2: Tap a card (Tap your charge card at the sensor below the screen)
Step 3: The remaining balance will displays at the bottom right
Q: 充電完畢後如何(正確)拔除充電槍 - (提示:不按步驟操作會導致鎖卡)
How to remove the charging gun properly when the charging completes?
(Cautions: improper operation will cause charge card malfunction)
A: 1.充電完畢後拍卡即停止充電並自動結帳,螢幕顯示當前充電費用。
1.Tap your charge card to stop charging and check out, the screen will display the current charging fee.
2.Return the charger to the charging equipment before leaving.
3.Cautions: Please always tap a card before you remove the charger from your EV and follow the order strictly to avoid locking your charge card.
Q: 遇到鎖卡問題如何解決?
How to unlock my charge card?
A: 如上次充電完畢後未及時按要求拍卡停止扣費,就拔槍,會導致儲值卡鎖卡。下次充電時要先到上次充電樁点击“charging”然后拍卡,扣除上次充電費用,再重新插槍,再啟動新的充電。
If you did not follow the order and properly taped a charge card to stop charging before you remove the charger from your EV in the previous use, the incorrect operation will lock your charge card. To unlock your charge card, you need operate the same machine of your previous use. Press"Charging" and tap your charge card to pay the due charging fee. After that you can connect the charger to your EV and start charging.

Q: 付款後沒有出卡
What to do if the vending machine eats your money?
A: 首先記錄好購買時間,然後盡快聯繫客服解決。
If the charge card can not start charging, please send to our customer service both the purchase time record and photos of the charge card to address the issue.
The newly-bought charge card can not start charging
A: 卡片出現故障,把購買時間記錄和卡片照片發給給客服解決問題。
Please record the purchase time and then contact customer service to resolve the problem as soon as possible. The problem may be related to the machine’s amount channel, please choose a different amount and purchase instead.
Q: 3.支持環保 - 儲值卡餘額使用完畢後,請退回到A1W充電站內指定回收箱 ( 卡套不需退回 )
3.Support the environment and recycle - After using up the balance, please return your A1W charge card to the
designated recycling box in A1W EV charging station (no need to return the package and cover)
Q: 如何刷卡啟動充電樁和結束充電?
How to start and stop charging with the A1W charge card?
A: 將電動車停泊在指定泊車位,並確保成功連接充電槍後,可以刷卡操作充電樁,充電樁啟動成功螢幕會顯示充電進行中。充電完畢後拍卡即停止充電並自動結賬,熒幕顯示當前充電費用。將充電槍放回機器後可離開。如上次充電完畢後未及時按要求拍卡停止,下次充電時會優先扣除上次充電費,再啟動新的充電。為免影響你的正常使用和保障你的安全,請務必在每次充電完畢後拍卡停
Park your vehicle at the available parking spot and ensure proper connection with the charging gun. Tap the A1W charge card to start charging. The display screen will indicate charging mode when the machine is in operation. Tap your A1W charge card again to stop charging when it’s completed and the amount of charge will show on display screen. Place the charging gun back at the the machine and you may leave the parking spot. If you fail to tap your card and make payment last time, the due charge will be deducted from your card before the new charge starts. To ensure the normal use of EV charging service and to protect your safety, please always tap to stop and put the charging gun away when the charging is completed.
Q: 如何使用精英儲值卡繳納充電費?
How to make payment with the A1W charge card?
A: 充電樁按照充電時長計費,充電結束後將自動扣除精英儲值卡中相應金額。
The charge will be generated by the time of use and it will be deducted automatically from your card when you tap to stop charging.
Q: 精英儲值卡餘額用完,如何繼續使用充電服務?
When I use up my balance of the A1W charge card, how do I use EV charging service?
A: 當卡片餘額使用完畢,需要購買新的精英儲值卡,並將舊卡片放置到A1精英超級充電站內指定位置回收。APP增值服務和精英代金卡增值服務目前正在建設中,會在不久將來陸續開放。
When the balance is used up, you need to buy a new card. Please return the old card to the recycle spot at an A1 workman EV charging station. Balance reloading service is in process, you may reload your balance via APP or reload the A1W charge card later.
Q: 當精英儲值卡中餘額不足以完成一次完整充電,應該怎樣操作?
If my balance is not sufficient to complete the charging of my vehicle, what should I do?
A: 當精英儲值卡中餘額用完時,機器默認自動停止充電,請移除充電槍放回機器。如需繼續充電,只需要重新插槍,重新感應一張餘額充足的精英儲值卡啟動充電即可。
When the balance is used up, the machine stops charging automatically. Please remove the charging gun from your vehicle and put it away. To continue charging, you will need to plug in the charging gun again and tap a new card with sufficient balance.
Should I use the A1W charge card at designated A1 workman EV charging station?
A: 精英儲值卡適用於所有A1精英超級充電站的任一精英師傅充電設備充電。
No, you can use the card at a charging machine at any A1 workman EV charging station.
How do I pay for may parking when I complete charging my vehicle?
A: 停車費由停車場營辦商另行收取,實際安排和費用以停車站場具體規定為準。
Parking charges will be collected by the operator of the parking station. Users should follow the regulation and arrangements of the parking station.
If I have difficulties operation the charging machine, what should I do?
A: 如在使用充電裝置過程中遇到任何問題,歡迎聯繫後台客服Whatsapp/Tel:6628 4865 或者致電黃生Tel:66619832 。
If you encounter any difficulties in use of the A1 workman EV charging service, please feel free to contact service center by Whatsapp/Tel:6628 4865 or Mr. Wong by Tel :66619832.

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